Operation Christmas Child
Thanks to all who helped again in packing shoe boxes! Wow, over 200 shoe boxes of stuff donated and packed in 2022!!
Mark you calendars for 2023! We still need things like HAIR BRUSHES, PLASTIC PLATES/BOWLS and SUNGLASSES….FIT IN THE BOXES !!!! We can always use CASH/CHECK contributions that can go towards the SHIPPING AND SHOPPING we still might need to do! We will have a basket in the back of church for contributions But MOST IMPORTANTLY, we want to invite you to OUR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX PARTY!! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28TH AT 9:30 AM……Have fun!! Put it on your calendar!
If you are NOT comfortable shopping as you did in past years, please make a donation marked “SHOEBOXES” and items will be purchased or your donation will be applied toward the cost of shipping ($10.00 per box).
Donated items can be left in the red and green tote in the library area closet.
Remember that what goes into these boxes is FUN, but what comes out of OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is ETERNAL! We have a part in bringing joy and hope to the hurting children of the world.
Thank you for your help and your prayers.
If you want more information on this ministry click on the link below: